
Personalized Lenses with compensated power2023.01.10

Compensated Power

Lens Personalization

When a lens is personalized to each wearer’s unique parameters, the best possible optics are achieved.

Each wearer will experience the best quality of vision and superior comfort.

If personalization parameters cannot be provided, the default measurements will be set as standard values to meet the high quality of optics.

Lens Result

Prescribed Power is determined by a doctor’s prescription.

When we compensate the lens to reduce the oblique aberrations, we modify the power on each point of the lens.

As a result, the user gets the power they need, and better vision, in each gaze direction.

The lens will read a different power when measured on a lens meter, not the same as order value

Parameters are taken into Consideration:
- Prescription and addition


- Pupil Heights(SEGHT)​​​​​​​

- Frame Size

- PANTO– always in 8°~12°​​​​​​​

- Warp Angle(ZTILT) –always in 4°~7°​​​​​​​

- Back Vertex Distance(BVD) - always in 10~14mm

- New Working Distance
